Hi, my name is Doctor Marlene Merritt. And while it may seem incredible, I’ve developed a 100% natural “Diabetes Reversal Recipe.”
The key is to say “no” to restrictive diets. They’re impossible for most people to stick with. Instead… my revolutionary “Diabetes Reversal Recipe” enables you to enjoy the food you and your body crave… food that flips your blood sugar “switch” back ON… so your body quickly and efficiently burns up all the sugar in your blood stream… like striking a match to gasoline!
You’ll also get extra “bonus material”… with Diabetes Reversal Recipe
You see, I’ve picked up a handful of “quick tricks” that shortcut the healing process and make it even easier… and I want you to have these shortcuts in your back pocket when you need them…
It’s actually simple when you discover what drives a “sweet tooth” — it’s not something you’re born with. Sugar cravings come from specific “programming” in the brain, but I’ll show you the easy way to “Feed your brain”, so the cravings disappear.
You can still enjoy sugar, by the way — you just won’t be a slave to it. You will be in control.
In fact…
You Can Lower Blood Sugar While Eating Sugar!
How to order at a restaurant like a normal person… Just by requesting THIS at the start of the meal. Then order whatever you want.
Plus, I’ll show you my 6 “Magic Bullets” for beating high blood sugar. These 6 natural herbs and nutrients boost insulin production, blunt sugar cravings, and block blood sugar spikes after meals.
And the second “Big Gun” is actually a secret found in Scripture.
Put all this together, and Smart Blood Sugar delivers everything you need to know to get your blood sugar under control… faster and easier than you thought possible — even if you feel like you’ve seen it all.
Like Phillip T. of Alexandria, VA told me:
“The best book on Diabetes, EVER! It’s brief, to the point and easy to understand and follow. I have been able to reduce my medication as I watch my blood sugar come down every morning. My A1C dropped to a multi-year low by following the Diabetes Reversal Recipe. Thank you!”
And remember that it’s easy to put the Diabetes Reversal Recipe to work — it’s so easy in fact, you can “do it in your head,” like octogenarian Richard H., of Cooks, MI found:
“If you don’t like lots of record keeping, and you don’t want to have to buy exotic foods, you can do this plan in your head. My doctor was very happy with the results (I have also lost 5 pounds) and he said I am in the best health since I started seeing him some 5 years ago. I just celebrated my 81st birthday. THANKS for helping me get my health back!”
Now, I can’t promise you’ll achieve the exact results you’ve heard today. Your results depend on several factors, including how closely you follow the Diabetes Reversal Recipe. Your blood sugar may take longer to heal… or… it may heal even faster. That’s why I strongly recommend you wait for your doctor’s blessing before you stop taking any medication.
But this is the only method I know of that safely and naturally gets your blood sugar under control.
So if you’re sick and tired of “feeling sick and tired”… of living with unpleasant drug side effects…
You’re protected with an extremely generous 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. You have a full two months to decide if Smart Blood Sugar is right for you. If you’re not completely thrilled with Smart Blood Sugar — for any reason — then you get a no-hassle refund anytime in the next two months.
To get started, all you need to do is click the big order button below. Next, you’ll see a secure ordering page. After your order is processed, you’ll be able to download your digital copy of Smart Blood Sugar without delay.
You can also receive a physical copy of the book for a small shipping and handling fee.
As soon as you download your copy of Smart Blood Sugar on to your computer or other device, you’ll be able to put the Diabetes Reversal Recipe into action. It’s that simple. At your very next meal — today — you can begin turning your blood sugar switch back “ON.”
Now, I’m sure you’ll agree that this kind of potentially life-saving information is extremely valuable…
Many of my patients pay several hundred dollars, starting with a $150 fee for their first visit. That’s when I share the Diabetes Reversal Recipe and explain how it works.
But I want to make sure as many people as possible avoid the horrors of uncontrolled diabetes. I don’t want price to keep you from that. So I’ve arranged with my publisher to price Smart Blood Sugarat half this starting price — just $67.
By watching this entire presentation to the end, you’ve proven you’re committed to improving your health. You’re the kind of person willing to take action.
When I see a patient like you, I get a big smile on my face — because it means my job is halfway done.
So as a thank you, you can have Smart Blood Sugar for a fraction of its value…
For only $67… $27!
And remember you don’t risk a penny of that. You have an entire two months to check out the plan and still get your money back, hassle free.
But wait — it gets better.
When you order today, I have something really special for you…
Five FREE Gifts with Diabetes Reversal Recipe!
…that make the Diabetes Reversal Recipe even easier!
Picture yourself waking up and feeling more alive…
You can do this. The book and the bonus gifts show you every simple step to take. All that’s left is for you to take that first step and click the button below.
And remember that I’m taking all the risk — you get every penny back if you wish.
Claim Your Five FREE Bonus Gifts With Your Order TODAY!
So click the button below to lock in the ultra-low $27 price.
On the order page, you’ll see the 5 bonuses added automatically to your order — at no extra charge, of course. You will get immediate access to the digital book and the 5 digital bonuses — with simple, clear explanations for how to download them to your computer. And your physical copy will ship right away if you choose.
Again, you are completely covered with a very generous 60-day money back guarantee, so you don’t risk anything. Just order now, while you’re determined to get your health back today.
P.S. I cannot stress how easy it is to use the Diabetes Reversal Recipe. So let me show you: when you order right now, I’ll also “unlock” a special free link to a video (normally there’s a charge to access it) of a master chef as she prepares a meal that follows the Diabetes Reversal Recipe.
Enjoy this tasty dinner tonight if you choose! Just click the order button below, and you’ll see a link for “Free Diabetes Reversal Recipe Cooking Video” on the same page as the download link for Smart Blood Sugar.
P.P.S. Oh, and remember, on that same page you’ll see the download links for the five gifts… 7 Day Meal Plan, 99 Foods for Diabetics, How To Read a Food Label, Carb Count Cheat Sheet, and Alcohol That Works… for free!
P.P.P.S One last thing! While I’m thinking of it, let me go a little overboard:
Go ahead and keep these 5 Bonus Gifts… forever… even if you later ask for a refund. Let them be a permanent help in your journey to full, vibrant health.
So click the big order button below, and let’s get started together.
▲ Money Reason Number One — ”managing diabetes” is a $31 billion annual business for drug companies. Year in, year out, and it gets bigger every year. Guess how much money “curing diabetes” brings home each year? Yep — zilch after the first year.
▲ Money Reason Number Two — The Perfect Diabetic Meal is a direct threat to the profits of Big Food Corporations and their slew of manufactured junk. If everyone starts eating Perfect Diabetic Meals, profits for these big companies tank. These fat cats have powerful political players in their pockets — like the government agencies that create nutrition guidelines. These decide what our children are fed in schools!
▲ Money Reason Number Three — Natural cures, like the Perfect Diabetic Meal, don’t require an office visit. No copays. No meeting deductibles. So how many insurance companies want to cover this kind of natural treatment?
Now, I’m not tearing down doctors. Yes, they are hounded by reps from Big Pharma, who shower them with freebies and promise an easy income stream. And what a temptation! Many doctors aren’t earning much more than accountants these days, thanks to the bargaining power of HMOs and insurance companies.
And yes, some doctors succumb, and push drugs that you don’t need. But I believe those are the exceptions.
The problem is, nutrition and natural methods just aren’t part of their education. Most receive a scant 21 hours of nutrition training, out of 8 years of med school!
And even when the results are staring them in the face, they still find it hard to accept something so new, just as Richard H. from Cooks, MI found when he showed my plan to his doctor. He told me:
“My Doctor looked at your plan, and was shaking his head in disbelief… but he was extremely happy for my present condition. I am scheduled for a 3 month A1C so he can keep track of what’s happening to me. If all goes as it should, I think that in 3 months, he will have a new outlook on treating diabetes. He wants to believe me, but does not want to get into trouble.”
Yes, you can face “trouble” from nervous hospital administrators when you try something that bucks the system. Even when it’s proven.
Because even when study after study shows the Diabetic Reversal Recipe works, natural solutions like it can take a minimum of 10 years to reach your doctor’s office.
I didn’t pull that number out of a hat either. An M.D. once stood up in the middle of one of my lectures and confirmed this to the rest of the audience.
10 years is just too long a time to live with high blood sugar!
Some of the links contained in this article may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This may help us to maintain this website to provide you more information about the various health topics and remedies and please know we only recommend high quality products.
But since you’ve decided to take charge of your health today, you don’t have to wait that long! You can start reversing your diabetes and heal your blood sugar today with the Diabetes Reversal Recipe.
By about day 10, any sugar cravings will disappear. Now that your brain has “learned” that you don’t need constant sugar to meet its needs, it’ll stop pestering you for more.
That’s the kind of permanent change you can achieve from the Diabetes Reversal Recipe.