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Stroke: How High Blood Pressure Raised a Risk!

High Blood Pressure Causes Stroke

Terrifying Stroke

How My Terrifying Stroke at My Granddaughter’s Baptism Led Me to Discover ThisJapanese Farmers Secret
That Naturally Supports Healthy Blood Pressure.It was the worst day of my life. It was horrific.You see, I was known as “the fitness guy”.

I was feeling great that day… then boom… out of nowhere, with no warning signs during my granddaughter’s baptism at church in front of 130 family and friends,

I suffered a stroke that nearly killed me.
I almost died and left my family stranded and alone without a husband and father at the age of 48…High blood pressure will do that to you.

That’s why they call it “the silent killer.’

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You never think it will strike you down, but it does.

If you have high blood pressure, it means your blood flow is too fast right now.


Causing damage to blood vessels

This is causing damage to your blood vessels, heart vessels, and this is or will restrict blood flow to your brain and heart.
But anyway, after my stroke, my wife and I were eating at our favorite Japanese restaurant, and this led to me luckily stumbling upon…
…an old Japanese farmer’s secret that reduced my high blood pressure naturally
And it will FOR YOU, TOO.

Old Japanese farmer’s secret that reduced my high blood pressure

This natural blood pressure lowering secret has been covered up and hidden by the big drug companies because it does not require any prescription medications.It was even published in the prestigious journal Archives Of Internal Medicine and over 24,853 people just like you have used it to lower their blood pressure into the safe zone naturally.It is the missing link why other solutions have not worked for you, coming straight from the Bible but confirmed by modern science.

And, the beauty is, you do NOT need to eat any restrictive diet or give up so-called “forbidden foods” like red meat, salt and butter.And you do NOT have to do any crazy exercise program or eat foods you don’t like or anything unpleasant like that.

This Japanese secret works for people of any age and with any blood pressure level,
…and for those on no medication and for those still struggling to manage their blood pressure, even while taking several prescription drugs every day.This flies in the face of what you’ve been told before, so I’m sure you’re skeptical, because so was…

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About me

My name is Ed Corcoran.
A couple years ago, when this happened, I was only 48 years old.My wife and I were proudly attending our granddaughter Rebecca’s baptism at Saint Mary’s Church. I was so proud and happy that day. And what a beautiful day it was, sunny and 76 degrees with clear blue skies. I felt like I was on top of the world.

Suffering a stroke

Little did I know, just minutes later,
I would be rushed to Mount Sinai Hospital in an ambulance after suffering a stroke….
I remember praying, “Please God, don’t let me die now!”…and if that wasn’t bad enough, it was right in front of 130 or so of our closest friends and family who had come to celebrate this special day and then it got even worse.Because after my stroke, I was basically bedridden, feeling awful and out of work for over 9 months which put a terrible financial drain on my family because it wiped out the money we had been saving for retirement.

And then the doctors said the loss of feeling in my left arm “should come back within a few months”, but the feeling in my left arm NEVER did come back and now I have a hard time with coordination and doing many simple tasks that are easy and routine for most people.And the physical toll on ME was not even the worst part because every time I looked into the beautiful eyes of my wife, Karen, I saw her worry and concern, and it tore my heart apart.

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Turning our Lives

My wife Karen is a good woman.
We’ve been married for 23 years.
I don’t like to disappoint her, but I did.She is too sweet to admit it, but I failed my wife by not taking care of my high blood pressure (like she warned me to) and having a stroke and turning our lives upside down.
In fact, my stroke from high blood pressure nearly bankrupted us.
You see, the deductibles and copays from my hospital stay and 9-month home rehab cost us…
over $84,500 cash.
It wiped out all our retirement savings, which means Karen knows we probably won’t ever be able to buy that little condo by the beach in New Smyrna Beach, Florida for our retirement that we’ve always dreamed about.
I am sharing my personal horror story with you for one reason …
I want YOU to know about the Japanese secret that finally ended my high blood pressure and would have prevented me from ever having a stroke in the first place..

Avoid stroke

So YOU can

  •  avoid having a stroke like I did, or a heart attack, vision loss or dementia
  • live a more energetic, healthier, happier and longer life
  • avoid dying young and stranding your family
  • reduce the risk of burdening your family with teaching you to walk or talk again
  • avoid being wiped out financially even if you have good health insurance

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Some of the links contained in this article may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This may help us to maintain this website to provide you more information about the various health topics and remedies and please know we only recommend high quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the details shared above. Individual results may vary. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.