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Home Remedy: Reliefs from Our Grandparents

Home Remedy: 40 Interesting Home Reliefs from Our Grandparents That Could Help You

In this book of home remedy, you will get 40 home remedies, 40 home remedies that our grandparents tell us, and doctors still use or prescribe as medicine. The natural remedy becomes very important for those people who believe in healing naturally. For example, you can tackle some headaches using a potato, deal with bug bites using toothpaste, lower fever with vinegar, detox overnight sleeping with half an onion in socks, make a cough syrup from black radish, and many others.

The Antibiotic Plant That Saved Venezuela

Did you know there is a sort of natural “doxycycline” to be found as close as your backyard?

The plant is called Usnea, and it’s popularly known as Old Man’s Beard. This wild plant grows all over North America. In this book, Dr. Maybell Nieves showed how to turn it into an antibiotic tincture to significantly increase its potency and shelf-life.

Home Remedy: Cabbage Wraps for Inflammation

Cabbage leaves are a great anti-inflammatory and contain compounds that can also draw out poison or pus from a wound and speed up the healing. This isn’t even a folk remedy. Dr. Maybell was taught this in medical school and confirmed it in her practice later on in life.

A Before-Bed Recipe to Sleep Like a Baby Again

You’ll also find out about some of the ingredients you probably have in your kitchen right now, which, when mixed the right way, can help you fall asleep.

If you take sleeping pills from time to time, even melatonin, you should try to replace them with this recipe instead, as it’s natural and completely safe.

How to Use Salt and Oil for Tooth and Gum Decay: Home Remedy

Dr. Maybell also explained the old mustard oil and salt remedy that people use to restore gums and remove plaque.

Salt acts as a mild abrasive that helps remove stains and brighten teeth. It also contains a natural source of fluoride, which is a bonus for your teeth.

On the other hand, mustard oil helps strengthen your gums and makes it easier to remove the plaque naturally.

The 10 Most Sought-After Bartering Items in Venezuela

Dr. Maybell also showed ten non-medical items you must stockpile now. A few months after Venezuela’s economy collapsed, these ten items became VERY precious, and they could be traded for almost anything you needed—including medicine.

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